
Dr. Alberto Monje
Implants with unfavourable prognoses due to peri-implantitis: now what?
Dentistry Programme
“Unfortunately, the removal of dental implants due to biological complications is an everyday reality. The goal of the lecture will be to evaluate the different therapeutic options available to restore the function and aesthetics of these complex scenarios”

Dr. Alberto Salgado
Short 6mm implants: Scientific evidence and clinical experience for more than 10 years
Dentistry Programme
“In this chat, we will talk about short 6 mm implants, what their instructions are, their limitations, their drawbacks, and how they can help us in more complex regeneration processes.”

Dr. Alfonso Díaz Carrión
Degree in Dentistry, Catholic University of Valencia. Superior Degree in Dental Prosthesis. Postgraduate in Oral Surgery, Prosthesis and Implant Dentistry, University Miguel Hernandez. Assisting member of ADA.
Dentistry Programme

Dr. Ana Orozco
Fit and passivity in implant prostheses. Are there clinical repercussions?.
Prosthetics Programme
“What type of clinical repercussion does the quality of prosthetic adjustment have on implants? Is it relevant in the appearance of complications? We will talk about it 14 February.”

Dr. Carlos Navarro
Updates in implant-based rehabilitation of oncology patients.
Dentistry Programme

Dr. Conrado Aparicio
GapZero: Meaning and value.
Dentistry Programme “A critical review of the evaluation methods and the biological relevance of achieving Gap Zero in the implant/pillar interface.”
Dr. Gonzalo Blasi
Platform change effect in short implants (6mm): randomised, multi-centre clinical study with split mouth design.
Prosthetics Programme
“Prosthetic components on impacts could have a big influence on the maintenance of peri-implant health. That’s why we focus on the critical parameters which must be taken into account by the lab technician and the dentist performing restoration work in order to prevent peri-implant diseases.”

Dr. Guillermo Pradíes
“Reliable” impressions in implant prosthetics: more than a debate between conventional or digital.
Dentistry Programme
Mr. Iñigo García
Passive fit, now a reality with good cad-cam protocols.
Prosthetics Programme “The importance of a good impression protocol is essential to obtain excellent results, whether analogical or digital. Today, the boom of intra-oral scanners obliges us to reassess these protocols for correct communication between the Clinic, Laboratory and Reaming Centre.”
Mr. Javier Ortolá
Immediate loading…. more than a temporary fix
Prosthetics Programme

Mr. Jorge Zapata
Ticare Market Analyst, Trainer and Regional Director in Andalucía, Spain. He has more than 12 years experience in dentistry field. Before he was working for 15 years in the image industry, design and marketing.
Evolution of the concept of a successful dental clinic: auxiliary and hygienists team as a key element in the process
Hygiene Programme

Dr. José Luis Cebrián
Sinus elevation role in the treatment of atrophic maxilla.
Dentistry Programme “Bone atrophy of the superior maxillary bone is characterized by the decrease in width of the anterior sector and height of the posterior sector. In this lecture, we will analyse the role of sinus lifting in the volumetric bone reconstruction of the atrophic maxillary bone in order to give it back its original structure.”
Dr. Juan Blanco
Changes at the level of the interproximal marginal bone in implants placed at the bone level and rehabilitated with direct-to-implant bridges designed by CAD-CAM or intermediate abutments. A randomised clinical study.
Dentistry Programme “In the preservation of the crestal bone is the prevention of peri-implantitis.”
Mr. Manuel Izquierdo
Synthesis as development of the prosthetic process.
Dentistry Programme

Dr. Mariano Sanz
Integration of Periodontal Regeneration in the treatment of Stages III and IV Periodontitis.
Dentistry Programme

Dr. Pablo Domínguez
Zirconia and Digital workflow. Separation of assets or property?.
Dentistry Programme
“The digital revolution and the development of new materials offers us new solutions to biological, aesthetic and mechanical limitations which appear to us in conventional restorations of implants.”

Dr. Ramón Lorenzo
Reconstructive surgery through apical access in hard and soft tissue defects in aesthetic areas.
Dentistry Programme

Dr. Rui Figueiredo
Complications associated with the elevation of the maxillary sinus floor. How to treat and prevent them.
Dentistry Programme

Mr. Santiago Dalmau
Structural design in implant prosthetics.
Prosthetics Programme