The Ticare Conference will be focused on the advancements of the sector in scientific and clinical evidence and innovation in fields such as digital dentistry.

On 14 and 15 February 2020, in TeatroGoya of Madrid, Ticare will hold its 11th Conference on Updating Implantology which will bring professionals the latest advancements made in research, new surgical techniques and the latest trends in the field of implantology and dentistry.
As in previous editions, the Conference will be divided into three programmes: dentists, hygienists and prosthetics. Within the dentistry programme, there will be different blocks such as: “Current state of prosthodontics”, “Latest trends in oral implantology”, “Periodontology and regeneration” and about “Aesthetics”. Furthermore, as an addition, a course on “Clinic Management” and a session on “Digital Workflow” will be celebrated at the same time.
The scientific programme will include a line-up of speakers with national and international influence including, already confirmed for the dentist programme, Dr. Mariano Sanz, Dr. Juan Blanco, Dr. Hom-Lay Wang, Dr. Alberto Monje, Dr. Guillermo Pradíes, Dr. Alberto Salgado, Dr. Rui Figueiredo, Dr. Carlos Larrucea, Dr. Marco Esposito, Dr. José Luis Cebrián, Dr. José Nart , Dr. Miguel Burgueño, Dr. Eduardo Crooke, Dr. Ramón Lorenzo, Dr. Pablo Domínguez, Dr. Conrado Aparicio, Dr. Carlos Navarro, Dr. Rubén Davó, Mr. Carlos de Gracia and Mr. Manuel Izquierdo.
Regarding the prosthetics programme, speakers such as Dr. Gonzalo Blasi, Dr. Ana Orozco, Mr. Javier Ortolá, Mr. Íñigo García, Mr. Carlos Plata, Mr. José Vidal, Ms. María del Carmen Ramos, Mr. Fernando Griffon, Mr. Luis Miguel Vera and Mr. Santiago Dalmau. On the other hand, the hygienist programme already has confirmed Dr. Margarita Villota, Dr. Alberto González, Dr. David Peñarrocha, Dr. Alberto Fernández, Dr. Jerónimo Rubio and Dr. Pablo Gutiérrez.

You are now able to sign up on the Ticare website,, where in addition you can check the full programme. You can follow all the news through their profiles on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn @ticareimplants. Ticare is waiting for you in Madrid, on February 2020. Sign up!
Gaceta dental: